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Complaint Resolution Policy

Last Updated: August 08 , 2022


Metalloid Capital Management Limited (MCML) is committed to providing a quality customer experience for all our clients through the channels through which we serve them. MCML acknowledges the rights of a client to make a complaint regarding the Company’s operations, including our processes and the conduct of our staff and third-party vendors. Consequently, we endeavour to address all concerns or complaints through a responsive and fair process.
The purpose of the Complaint Resolution Policy is to guide the handling of customer complaints and then to achieve resolution in an efficient, effective and professional manner.


An expression of concern or dissatisfaction regarding the Company’s product offerings, operations, staff, or third-party vendors. This dissatisfaction may be expressed orally or in writing and can be made electronically or physically.
The party making the complaint, which could be a person or organization.
The person or entity that engages in a business relationship with the Company. The duration of the relationship is irrelevant and will relate to all parties including prospects and clients.
Complaint Log
Electronic or paper records of all incoming complaints, including information about the complainant, and the steps that have been taken to resolve the matter. This log should be maintained chronologically.


This section describes the methodology that will be used to manage complaints

3.1 How to make a complaint

Complaints can be made orally, to any staff of Metalloid Capital, occupying a position of Supervisor or higher. However, clients are encouraged to make complaints through the following channels:
Chief Executive Officer
Metalloid Capital Management Limited
Unit 3, 17 Holborn Road
Kingston 10
All complaints, regardless of the medium of receipt, will be digitized and handled electronically by the Company.

3.2 Information required

The only mandatory requirement to file a complaint is a description of the matter. In these instances where the complainant is anonymous, the Company will investigate to identify or confirm the issue, then resolve, if necessary, through enforcing of code of conduct policy or through changes to our processes or services.
Clients are encouraged to include contact information, including, name, email, and telephone number; which will be used to communicate updates on the complaint. We also encourage clients to include supporting documents, if appropriate, to provide more context to the issue being described.

3.3 Acknowledgement and Updates

Upon receipt of a complaint, containing contact information for the complainant, the Company will respond electronically, to acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five (5) business days. We are committed to reviewing and resolving all complaints expeditiously; however, should a complaint remain unresolved for a time greater than thirty (30) days, the Company will provide an update on its progress, via email.
A complainant also has the right to follow up, at any time, on complaints, by replying to the acknowledgement email receipt.

3.4 Complaint Log

The Complaint Log will be reviewed regularly to ensure expeditious closure of all complaints. Additionally, the Log will be used to identify areas for improvement in the Company’s operations.


If a client remains dissatisfied with the Company, regarding how a complaint was handled or about the outcome of an investigation, the client is encouraged to exercise your right to escalate the matter to the Consumers Affairs Commission, by visiting the website (

Customer Complaint Form

We want to deliver a professional and pleasant customer experience to all our customers, all of the time. The feedback you provide will assist us with identifying when we have not managed to meet your expectations and to implement changes that will prevent issues from recurring.

Kindly complete the complaint form below to provide your feedback. Though not mandatory, we encourage you to include your contact information, so that will can get in touch.

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+1 (876) 837 4251

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